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Enterprise Modelling Blog

Why Its Important To Document Your IT

Technology evolves rapidly, both in innovation and exploitation. With a shifting business landscape, documenting your IT becomes essential.

Technology Dependency Management

Exploring the dependencies that make technology tick and how leverage dependency management to curate and bring visibility.

The Value Of Stakeholder Perspectives

By offering role-specific viewpoints, each user can easily access relevant data without being overwhelmed by unrelated information.

The Valuable Gap Identifying IT Change

Many professionals strive to stay ahead by following the latest buzzwords, frameworks, and technologies. But should your organization dive in?

Business Capability Model Benefit Realization

Unpacking what a Business Capability Model is and explore what it is and how to gain benefit.

Insight fulApplication Catalogues

An Application Catalogue can be a fundamental element of your reference architecture, helping to bridge gaps and shape your target architecture.

Organization Taxonomy Unravelled

Creating an effective taxonomy for your organization's Enterprise Architecture practice.